Travel…One of Life’s Great Teachers

Travelling as an activity is a hugely satisfying leisure pursuit that can result in you seeing, tasting and experiencing much of what the World has to offer.  What has surprised me the most about travel, is how much I have got out of travelling. There is a danger this is going to sound like a CV or job application, but the things I have been lucky enough to…

Get Rich Quick!

Erin, an amazing Australian friend of mine (whom I met in a hostel in Dubrovnik a few years back), once told me a brilliant quotation that has stuck with me.  It goes, “travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”.  If you are here, reading my blog about travel, you will have probably heard it before.  If not; well, here you go.  Take it in, savour it, because…

Photography to Inspire (Part 1)

When I’m deciding on where I want to travel, I take a lot of inspiration from photos I have seen in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet; via my day-dreaming browsing on Google and friends’ Facebook photos of their travels. What grabs me is ‘that photo’…the one picture where you look in awe at a place or scene that looks so magical, so unreal that you feel that…

USA…Tick! France…Tick! Azerbaijan…erm…

On a recent flight, I was surrounded by a party heading to Slovenia to…erm, party.  One of the group, exclaimed to the others a few minutes after we took off, “when we land, this will be my 50th country!  And, all before my 30th birthday too!”  The milestone birthday, it turns out, was being celebrated in Slovenia, so the girl in question made it to her target by a…

The Glorious Free Tour

Free!  My favourite price!  The old saying goes, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”, but I disagree when it comes to one ‘free’ aspect of travel and it is one of my top tips for the solo traveller.  Whenever I am in a place that has one on offer, I always take the free tour.  I’ve free toured in a number of cities including Lisbon, Budapest, Riga, Vilnius and most…